Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

self determination and meditation

self determination and meditation

Q Does a mediator have the authority to enforce any rules during a mediation? If a party believes the concept of self-determination gives them the right to do as they please, silencing the other party by creating distractions or being disrespectful while the other is speaking, how might a mediator protect the integrity of the mediation? May a mediator stop the session if one party is choosing to negatively respond rather than add to a positive, meaningful discussion? Explain your reasoning and support your responses using the Standards of Conduct.

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A mediator does not have the authority to enforce any rules during a mediation. Eve the mediator cannot decide any of the issues for the parties. The mediator can only help to facilitate a voluntary resolution of the disputes by the parties. It is the responsibility of the mediator to conduct a separate and joint meeting with the parties for offering suggestions regarding a suitable process of meditation.